Past studies have focused a lot on the issue of effective teaching and learning strategies (PDP). An effective PdP strategy provides an active, fun learning environment that attracts students to participate in learning activities while striving to achieve learning objectives. However, past studies have found that most teachers use conventional methods. The conventional method is a method that uses a teacher-centered approach and one-way communication, and students only carry out activities such as copying, listening to instructions, and reading the text given by the teacher. In addition, the conventional method is also known as an old method and does not have changes appropriate to the current state of education or students. The traditional method has had a less positive effect, especially in assessing and evaluating students at school. Apart from that, the PdPc strategy that uses fun and game-based learning is integrated into the current situation that requires students to carry out PdP online. The researchers also studied the effectiveness and appropriateness of utilizing both teaching strategies.
The articles that have been analyzed have different dependent variables. Overall, through the analysis of the articles, most focus on language skills in the context of Malay and English subjects. Speaking and reading skills are given a lot of focus in studies related to entertainment education. Some studies focus on early childhood education, Aboriginal people, and skills in Mathematics. There is a study that integrates games in a fun learning approach that leads to the reading of several articles related to games and technology, such as ‘Quizziz,’ ‘Kahoot’ and ‘Mobile Assessment.’ It can be concluded that the Didik Hibur approach is an independent variable, while student achievement and the learning environment are dependent variables.
In addition, some of the studies that have been analyzed discuss theories and models in the literature review, while some do not write the literature review in the article. Some past studies have used the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) that was built by Davis in 1990, the reading model, the fun education method, David E. Rumelhart’s Interactive Model, Keith E. Stavonich’s Interactive Compensatory Model, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Hibur Education, intrinsic motivation, game-based approach, pedagogy, and constructivist theory. Based on the theory and model used in previous studies, it can give an impression that Didik Hibur and game-based learning provide learning that includes motivation, improves thinking ability, increases the effectiveness of teacher teaching, creates interactive learning, and allows students to learn something based on experience.
Cheah Yi Lin and Wan Muna Wan Ruzanna Wan Mohammad (2020) emphasize two main points in the literature study, namely the mastery of oral skills in Malay as a Second Language and the willingness of students to receive education through technology. The researcher used the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) built by Davis (1989) to build a conceptual framework. Based on the literature review, which is previous studies, the researcher emphasized that the central constructs in the TAM model as determinants, namely the perception of usefulness and the perception of convenience, will influence the user’s desire to use learning technology, which will then have an impact on the speech weaknesses faced by non-native students. However, the model focuses more on accepting technology than the fun-educate approach.
Based on the writing of the literature review found in the article, some important points need to be paid attention to. Among them is that fun educational activities must be planned based on the students’ background to be appropriate and provide the desired impact. In addition, several obstacles influence and prevent teachers from applying games in learning in the classroom, such as a lack of resources for game materials, the poverty of parents to provide learning materials for their children, as well as the many tasks of teachers which cause teachers to be incompetent in using games in learning in the classroom. Classroom. Researchers have also identified that preschool students, in particular, make many contributions and focus on purchasing textbooks and workbooks. This puts pressure on preschool students and gives teachers a deficiency in choosing important things in student learning. Therefore, the conceptual framework makes recreational and educational activities the domain of independent variables.
Among the research designs widely used to study entertainment education and game-based learning are survey and experimental studies using quantitative methods. Some studies use action research and case studies. The study population consists mainly of primary school students and teachers. A widely used sampling is purposive sampling. According to Fauziah Ibrahim, Khadijah Alavi, and Nazirah Hassan (2021), purposive sampling is a sample selection method that focuses on specific individuals, events, or environments with characteristics relevant to the research question. In addition, simple random sampling is also used in some studies. At the same time, a widely used data collection method is a questionnaire. Therefore, the Statistical Package For The Social Sciences (SPSS) analysis method is widely used to produce descriptive analysis. Most analyzed articles used data triangulation to strengthen and support the data and correlate the variables. Data collection methods that use pre- and post-tests are also widely used, especially in experimental studies. Observations and interviews often support questionnaires.
Cheah Yi Lin and Wan Muna Ruzanna Wan Mohammad (2020) found that oral skills through an entertaining, educational approach conducted online, such as role-playing activities, create a sense of fun because learning is more accessible. Through Norlela Ahmad et al. (2021), Mazlan (2016) stated that fun education or humor emphasizes fun through fun elements that entice students to continue learning. According to the KSSR Information Book (2017), hibur means educating while entertaining, being relaxed, and having fun in controlled conditions. This strategy is included in the KSSR as a transformation of the school curriculum (KPM, 2011). This aspect should be emphasized as exciting and fun delivery techniques such as singing, storytelling, acting, and poetry.
Based on a study conducted by Nik Nur Azizah Nik Halman et al. (2019) involving Orang Asli students, the playful approach to learning brings fun during PdPc sessions because students learn while having fun. According to the researchers, Didik entertainment in the form of games can spark the interest of Orang Asli students in education while also helping them to focus longer in class. Didik hibur and singing also created excitement in the students while studying. Citing the statement of Milahwati Hussain (2019) in the study of the application of the didik hibur strategy in improving vocabulary for oral skills, methods and techniques of oral teaching and learning that are used through didik hibur techniques through acting that is creatively appropriate in oral teaching and learning as a whole shows the effect that encouraging. Students are entertained and have fun and can also develop their vocabulary.
At SK Sungai Berua, some teachers use entertainment teaching techniques such as singing to help increase students’ interest in attending PdP sessions in class. They bring a variety of teaching aids such as radios, cassettes, and musical instruments to attract students’ attention to master a lesson syllabus in a relaxed yet entertaining way. The teachers found that the students really like this kind of PdP approach, and they tend to get involved in fun educational activities done by their teachers (Nik Nur Azizah Nik Halman et al., 2019). A study of Orang Asli students has shown that the entertainment approach has attracted students’ interest to get involved.
Interviews conducted by Cheah Lin and Wan Muna Ruzanna (2019) show that students like to engage in face-to-face PdPc oral skills with fun educational activities. The students are also committed to volunteering to be involved in PdPc. Through Mohd Rosmadi Mohd Salleh and Hafizhah Zulkifli (2020), Mohd Izzuddin Akmal (2011) studied the fun education approach using the melodic method in Islamic education to check students’ interest in remembering the names of angels and their duties. The study results found that the students showed good behavioral responses and total interest in singing activities compared to when the researcher used traditional methods in the classroom. The students determined to remember the lyrics and melodies adapted from English children’s songs, namely ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ and ‘If You Happy.’
Based on the study of the use of didik hibur in Islamic Education in national schools conducted by Mohd Rosmadi and Hafizhah (2020), the willingness and acceptance of students towards the approach of didik hibur are high. The descriptive analysis that has been used shows that the interest that exists from the readiness and acceptance of the fun education approach is at a satisfactory level. Because PdPc is more fun, uses fun learning, and has an element of fun, students are more interested in getting involved. They explained The Influence of Jokes on Teaching and Learning Practices. Students have found that a fun learning atmosphere can be created if teachers use jokes in the classroom. Therefore, the application of Didik Hibur effectively increases the interest of primary school students in learning. Based on the feedback received from the research instruments distributed in the classes involved, it was also found that the respondents agreed with each question given.
According to Mohd Rosmadi and Hafizhah (2020), the Didik Hibur method effectively provides interest and motivation to study among primary school students. The effect of interest and motivation to learn is a meaningful experience that will interest the student in a particular subject, especially Islamic education. Milahwati Hussain (2019) found that, as a whole, educational and entertainment activities through systematic script reading and careful preparation of teaching and learning of students have improved students’ vocabulary and oral skills. Students memorize the script before performing in class so that students master the language to play the chosen character. Singing elements are inserted to increase the sense of fun, reduce shyness, and motivate students when reading the script. The following is a diagram of the conceptual framework resulting from the literature analysis.
Based on the findings of these studies, the fun learning approach impacts the learning atmosphere. The findings of previous studies have been analyzed to build a conceptual framework. Therefore, Figure 1.1 shows a conceptual framework adapted from earlier studies, Gagne’s Learning Theory, and the Learning Principle Model introduced by Ewell (1997). The conceptual framework contains independent variables and dependent variables. Teaching and Learning Practices Using the Didik Hibur Approach is an independent variable, while an effective learning environment is a dependent variable.
The independent variable, the Practice of Using the Didik Hibur Approach, has three domains to focus on teaching methods, teaching aids, and PdP activities. The teaching method is a procedure that contains techniques or skills in using the fun learning approach. According to Noriati A. Rashid et al. (2014), teaching methods give direction and guide teachers and students in classroom activities. Therefore, the researcher will look at the teacher’s teaching method using the fun learning approach, whether structured, precise, accurate, entertaining, involving students, and motivated to provide an effective learning environment. Then, teaching aids (BBM) are resources or tools teachers use to deliver teaching content using did bur. The researcher will see whether the BBM provided is sufficient for the students, supports the teacher’s teaching methods, complements the PdP activities, is functional, and makes the learning environment fun. Next, PdP activities are chosen by the teacher and carried out by the students to achieve learning objectives using the didik hibur approach. Through this PdP activity, the researcher will see whether the PdP activities selected and carried out are organized, appropriate, fun, involve students actively, are motivated, and can achieve the learning objectives.
The researcher will see an effective learning environment as a dependent variable. The researcher believes that if the PdP practice uses did bur with teaching methods, teaching aids, and PdP activities that coincide, are appropriate, involve students actively, enjoyably, are motivated and achieve learning objectives, it will influence the effective learning atmosphere. Otherwise, an effective learning environment will not exist. In addition, the domains seen in an effective learning environment are adapted from Gagne’s Learning Theory and Ewell’s Principle Model. Gagne’s Learning Theory and Ewell’s Principle Model have many domains. Still, the researcher took some compatible with previous studies’ findings and the research objectives.
Ewell’s Model of Learning Principles includes active engagement and a fun atmosphere. Active involvement is seen when students actively participate in the teacher’s teaching. For example, students express their opinions, perform their roles as members in group activities, and show good work results. Bruner (1961) suggested that students actively engaging with learning materials will be able to recall information. Mayer (2004), on the other hand, thinks that students should behave actively and be cognitively active. The suggestions further strengthen the researcher’s stance that the domain of active engagement is influenced by BBM, teaching methods, and PdP activities used in PdP practices that use the didik hibur approach. Meanwhile, the atmosphere is fun when there is calm feedback, gives meaning, there is interaction between teachers and students, and students do not feel isolated; according to Noriati et al. (2014), the emotional environment of the classroom is influenced by the teacher’s voice, teacher’s leadership style, attitude, friendliness, class control and the use of rewards in the school. This explains that the activity domain, BBM, and teaching methods influence the effective learning environment.
Motivation and performance are domains drawn from Gagne’s Learning Process Theory. Motivation is a necessary prerequisite for learning to occur. The motivation seen is only intrinsic, which is the drive and interest found in the student without regard for reward. The researcher will see the students’ response to success and failure in an engagement when the PdP activity uses Didik Hibur. In addition, performance is also seen from behavioral aspects other than performance in written tests or assessments. The researcher found that the student’s response to questioning questions also indicates the student’s performance.
Nevertheless, the researcher needs to make an assessment carefully so as not to pass bias. Finally, all domains of independent and dependent variables have a relationship that will produce findings that answer the research questions and meet the purpose of the study. Overall, the practice of PdP using the didik hibur approach affects an effective learning environment. PdP practices that have teaching methods, BBM, and fun learning activities, create active involvement, are motivated, and can improve student performance will create an effective learning environment. The researcher wants to focus on the practice of PdP didik hibur from aspects or domains of teaching methods and BBM that have not been given much attention in past studies.
Based on the articles that have been analyzed, the researcher found that the appropriate design used to study the use of a fun learning approach in teaching and learning is action research. The design is very suitable for seeing the effectiveness of the holistic use of a fun education approach when the researcher can get strong results. Action research can also use data triangulation using several methods of collecting data, such as pre-post tests, interviews, and observations. Survey studies are too general and quantitative and cannot accurately assess student performance. Survey research will also make it difficult for researchers to create questionnaire items related to student performance. If the researcher succeeds in creating an item, other things, such as reliability and validity, will have problems. Therefore, this design will complete the gaps identified through the article analysis. Meanwhile, the researcher can measure the PdP practice of teaching entertainment and an effective learning atmosphere using observation and interviews. In addition, performance domains can be measured by analyzing and comparing pre-post tests.
In conclusion, the literature analysis has formed a conceptual framework that not only explains the variables involved but also provides an overview of the entire research process that will be carried out. Apart from that, research gaps from variables that still need to be studied in the research topic have been discussed.
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